Thursday 21 October 2010

Analyse of a Music Magazine Cover and Article

Rolling Stone Magazine

The cover consists of one image, the main cover image. This image takes up the whole of the cover which allows all attention to be on the image. This makes the selling point of the magazine clear because of this. The image itself draws all your attention because of the nature of the image, it shows three of the cast members of ‘True Blood’ naked with blood smeared all over there bodies but allowing their modesty to be hidden. This immediately sets the tone of  what the magazine will feature, this being an adult tone/theme.
Text used on the cover is in a white font, this allows the text to stand out but not as dramatic and ’in your face’ as the main cover image used, which also is applied to the masthead of the magazine, it still keeps the same traditional iconic style but changes the font so that the focus can be on the image.
The layout of this issue of the magazine is changed, when compared to other issues, as it only has two plug’s used on the cover. The first one used is located at the bottom of the left hand side of the cover and details what the image and main article will be about where the other plug used is located at the very top of the cover in the form of a banner which highlights all the other articles that will also be featured in thee magazine. Again as I have previously said the layout has changed to allow the attention from the audience to be focused on the main cover image.


The Joy of Vampire Sex. The schlocky, sensual secrets behind the success of ‘True Blood’.

The style and language used in the article is again a very adult tone, which helps keep focus on the target audience. The issue’s and content within the article focus’ on the views and how the show is perceived by the audience from the three leading cast members, Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgard and Steven Moyer who are also featured on the cover of the magazine. It details about how they got involved in the show and dealing with stuff, such as nudity, on the show. The article does talks about how the show is misconceived and how it isn’t about sex, gore or gay persecution but its telling a love story, self fulfillment, repression and letting go of the things that define you to find the real person underneath.
As you can probably tell this is a very formal article which would also appeal to the demographic and keeps up with the rest of the adult tone of the issue of the magazine.
The font used is a small font, which allows more information to included in the article, it is also black in the article but when text is used with the images in the article it is white. In particular on the second part of the article the group of images used are titled ‘Blood Ties’. again the text is white but that helps stand out from the red background which is also used to represent and relate to the ‘Blood’ used in the title of the images.
The layout consists of three column’s on each page. The images that are used in the article are above and takes up most of the 4th and 5th column’s in the article. There is a quote used on the opposite side of the pages with the images on, which breaks up the article.
I think it does fit the demographic and the target audience as the codes and conventions they have used all relate to the idea of an adult setting and tone and with the target audience adults it fits in perfectly.

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