Sunday 31 October 2010

There's something about Gamu

On Saturday 4th of September 2004 Simon Cowell made sure that the weekends would never be the same again. Now as we are well into the current series, the seventh overall, surely we’ve seen everything this TV show has to offer…..right?  Well although the show is dragging on a bit it stills proves to be as shocking and controversial as ever. After Sunday’s episode we were all left saying “OMG!!!” after Geordie style icon Cheryl Cole didn’t put through Gamu into the live shows and instead put two other girls, who lets face it fell flat on their faces and their notes. The public was left shocked. And it wasn’t long before the reaction of the public took to face book like wild fire, well it was the perfect status update moment. Groups were made, protests began and Cheryl’s security were increased, scared much? Eh Chezza!?

The best is yet to come as after Cheryl was bitched about and trashed talked all over the country it emerged that Gamu was facing deportation after some complications with her mothers visa. This has since developed into a full blown out of control race row. This then was unleashed onto face book where groups such as, “Cheryl, just because Africa gave you malaria, don’t take it out on Gamu” were like fuel to the on going fire. Cheryl was branded a racist and apparently was sent death threats.

One positive thing came out of all this drama is that it become the most talked about show that week, which included news reports, newspaper headlines or just in regular conversations, which lived up to the saying that “bad publicity is good publicity”. Still not convinced? Well viewing figures also increased and the amount of overall calls nearly doubled the amount that was set on last years first show.

There was hope for Gamu in the form of the new twist on the show, Wildcard, which enables the judges to select another candidate, from their categories who they originally rejected at the judge's houses stage, back into the competition. Gamu was not given the wild card, ouch.  For Cheryl this hasn’t been her year first the divorce, then malaria and now this. Can she get back on track? What will become of poor Gamu? All will be answered in the near future.

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