Friday 19 November 2010

My Music Magazine Interview

“I came prepared with a mouthful of attitude!”

Shawnee’s studio apartment, 247 W 46th St, New York. Shawnee is wearing a vintage flannel shirt, tights and heels. Her iconic hair style, messed up curls, graces her face sitting on a purple couch looking out towards Central Park.
“It’s funny because when people read this they’ll know why I live but the jokes on you. I’m hardly ever home. Like today it’s such a rare occasion for me to be home”. We at M&M are not surprised by this what with her gruelling schedule. In the last two years Shawnee has made her film debut, started a record label (Zombie Records) and has established herself as the new reigning rock goddess. With her sophomore effort ready to hit stores, titled ‘Within Me’, she’s as busy as ever. “It really came naturally to me. I write music all the time so it all came together pretty fast but it’s not like I came out of my last album, ‘Burn It Down’, and just went straight into this. I did ‘Stabbed Part 2’ so I kind of had a break but I was itching to get back in the studio”.

‘Stabbed’ gave Shawnee her breakthrough role as feisty Jamie Reed but the character was almost given a whole new face and actress attached to the role. Shawnee explains the reasoning behind this, “I originally turned down the role as I was so focused on my music and with being dropped by other labels I decided to start my own record label so I did the part to help fund that. My first impression of the script was mixed. I liked how it was a movie within a movie but I felt it fell into all the predictable clichés, but the money spoke to me more”. She was finally cast in the role and she’s glad she became a part of it as it enabled to succeed in other areas. Shawnee pauses to laugh and take a sip of water. “Don’t give me that all judging look, I did it for my music!!! I’m kidding”. The film was a huge success and brought her to the attention of the ever growing media. It also led to a sequel for which Shawnee will reprise her role.

After years of being dropped by record labels she decided to create her own label to release her music. “Zombie is my surname but I didn’t want that in my title, Shawnee is more personal and unique to me. Also I loved the name for label ‘Zombie Records’ it was perfect”. ‘Zombie Records’ was set up shortly after the completion of ‘Stabbed and her debut album followed five months later. Zombie comes from a long line of actress’ breaking into music but she hates being called an actress. “It really f*****g irritates me, people have this idea that if you’re an actress you’re an actress and if you’re a singer you’re singer. They don’t really want you to delve into other professions as its going to f**k up their system. Music is a passion in my life just because I did a movie I’m now automatically an actress! WTF! I hate being labelled”.

Shawnee’s father is a famous guitarist and had a huge part in helping her create an authentic sound for the album. “I think there is too much pop for you to handle now and very little rock. Rock is a personal sound to me. My dad played rock all time when I was growing up so it sort of made sense to what album I wanted to make”. The album was constructed over 5 months and was released at the end of 2008. The first single off the album, ‘Take Me’ was received well by critics who praised Shawnee vocals and the music arrangement. It topped the rock charts in the UK for 8 weeks and was used in the credits of ‘Stabbed’. Three more top 40 singles followed as well as a number one album on both sides of the Atlantic. Shawnee was also named ‘The best new Alternative rock sound’ at the moment. “I’m so pleased how well the album has done but I wasn’t really that bothered about how it was going to be received. It had done well but I was too busy to really take in the success”.

Shawnee then embarked on a North American tour and was awarded ‘Best new Alternative Rock Artist’ at the Grammy’s. Shawnee had also shown to be a bit out of control in her stage shows. “I come alive when I’m on stage and performing. I get a rush and when you hear people screaming your lyrics you feel like you’re on top of the world. Yeah I get a little carried away but I’m Nineteen, can you really blame me?”  
With Shawnee’s actions now justified she is also planning going on a world tour after the release of her new album. “It’s important to get out and connect with your fans. I’ve only done a short tour here in America and only promotional work else where”.

She turns to look out at the people of New York. “I can’t thank this city enough. It’s provided me the resources and my inspiration for my musical process and my new album shows my love for the people of NYC”. ‘Within Me’ has already started to create a lot of buzz amongst fans and music critics. Shawnee has also stated that there is no real change in the sound of the album and is also worried that she may be repeating herself. “The sound of the record is still alternative rock/grunge, it’s more of a continuation of ‘Burn It Down’, but I changed the depth in my lyrics and some of the arrangement in the album so it keeps everything fresh and exciting. I don’t want to be stuck on repeat”.
Today we are in a world where everyone is copying each so it’s hard to stand out and do your own thing when you have a guy standing next to you trying to take what you’ve created”.
‘Within Me’ has been described as a heavy personal rock n roll journey with a twist. Shawnee has also taken every creative aspect of the new album in a very personal way form the lyrics to the album artwork. “The artwork was taken by a very close friend of mine and it just fits so well with the album and I couldn’t be happier with it”. The artwork depicts Shawnee ripping open her own rib cage but the gore has been toned down a lot to not cause distraction from the message behind the image. “Basically the artwork is representing the name of the album but in a dark and beautiful way. I’m showing what’s within me and bringing everything that’s on the inside on the outside. So it kind of shows a more venerable side of me which I suppose is one of the differences from ‘Burn it Down’ to this album”.  

Zombie has come along way in the last two years and shows no signs of slowing down. “Are you kidding me!? Hell no, I’m not stopping this for no one, I’ve worked so hard to get here and I plan to stay. I’m not dead yet I still have a few more albums left in me. I’m overflowing with creative juices so who knows where I will end up but I know I’ll have fun finding out”. This year is going to be crucial turning point in Shawnee’s career and will ultimately make her or break her. “It’s really important for me that everything goes well because it could just mean I got lucky with my first album and I don’t want people to see me as a one hit wonder, I want to be taken seriously now. No jokes”. With a new side of her raring to go the world better prepare themselves for the new and improved Shawnee Zombie.

‘Within Me’ is out in the summer of this year, she will also embark on her second tour later this year. For tour date information and tickets go to
‘Stabbed: Part 2’ is released in cinemas August 29th. 

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